
The price for WinWASI 5.0 depends on which version you want to use. There is the basic version and the full version either as single or as network licence. You can either buy WinWASI 5.0 or lease it for at least 3 years. In case of leasing all updates are included in the leasing price. The prices for LIMSWASI 1.0 are similar to the pricesof the basic version. A discount of 50% on the prices for LIMSWASI 1.0 is grantedto users of WinWASI 5.0.

You can test WinWASI 5.0 and LIMSWASI 1.0 for a period of 30 days against a fee of 100 Euro, accountable in case of purchase. You will receive the link to download the software WinWASI 5.0 or LIMSWASI 1.0 together with the licence activation.

The licence is registered on a CM stick (code meter from WIBU) to be provided by the customer. If the customer does not yet have a CM stick, it can be ordered here.

To activate the licence, please send us a licence request file. To do this, install the CodeMeterRuntimekit and proceed as described here. If you decide to purchase or rent after the test, you will receive the licence activation by email.

Basic VersionSingle User 1.020,00 Euro
Leasing Single User / Year350,00 Euro
Network Licence1.270,00 Euro
Leasing Network Licence / Year440,00 Euro
Full VersionSingle User1.780,00 Euro
Leasing Single User / Year600,00 Euro
 Network Licence2.290,00 Euro
Leasing Network Licence / Year760,00 Euro

To Universities we grant a discount of 50% on the above prices. All prices are understood as net prices excluding shipping cost of 12 Euro and excluding VAT. .

Download the pricelist

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